Black Live Matter, Diverse Film Crews, Black Cinema Streams for Free & Films to Decompress To

The chants can be heard in the streets and the call can be found in film. Black lives matter is not a new sentiment. In the archives of cinema, from the very beginning there are films about the plight of Black Americans. Criterion is streaming black cinema for free all of June. Warner Brothers has made the heart wrenching film Just Mercy free on all platforms this month. Other studios, streaming services and online platforms are being added to the list daily. Streaming for free is great but everyone doesn’t have access. Consider supporting these films and filmmakers if you can by buying the discs and donating to your local library. Share the word.

The lighter fare this week to decompress from 2020’s continued onslaught included Starship Troopers, Minority Report and the entire Underworld franchise. Fun, mindless popcorn flicks to help unwind and decompress. Brian and Mick follow the rabbit hole and wind up discussing movies like Wolf Creek, Tusk, Shawshank Redemption where the fear lies in the vulnerability of being imprisoned and tormented. Horror, ain’t genre grand?!

Skyline is streaming some of our favorite short films from 2019. Click the link below to stream for free. This month’s selections are: AFTERMATH, All That Roams Below, Manhood, Masters, Psychosis and Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing). New selections available in July.

Mick is busy over at with two new episodes featuring Ariel Baska and Rusty Gilligan and he’s about to break two new live shows. Sounds like it’s going to be fun!

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