This week we have stunt performer Geoff Scovell! Geoff does stunts on some great shows like 12 Monkeys, The Boys, The Strain, SEE, X-Men and much, much more. Geoff gives us insight on how stunts are created and performed safely. Mick and I learned so much about the life of stunt performers. The craft and the art of doubling famous talent. And how a well thought out stunt can bring so much to a shoot, save money, and of course, make the stars look great.

Thanks Geoff for coming on the show and we hope you’ll come back after season 3 of The Boys and walk us through it, stunt by stunt!

Follow Geoff on Instagram and Twitter at @GeoffScovell for behind the scenes clips on some of your favorite shows! #oscarsforstuntperformers

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